バイオグラフィー Biography
三舩優子 プロフィール
幼少期をNYで過ごし、市原光子、ジェローム・ローエンタールに師事。帰国後、井口秋子、奥村洋子、安川加寿子に師事。桐朋学園大学在学中、第57回日本音楽コンクール第1位。同大学を首席卒業後、文化庁派遣研修員としてジュリアード音楽院へ留学、マーティン・キャニンに師事。91年にアメリカデビューを果たし、 L.A. Timesにて絶賛、クラシックラジオ局WQXRにて全米放送、高評を得る。同年フリーナ・アワーバック国際ピアノコンクール、ジュリアードソリストオーディションで優勝、卒業記念コンサートをソリストとして飾る。
バロックから現代作品まで幅広いレパートリーをもち、シャープなタッチからは、気品と色彩感にあふれた音色が放たれる。 華のあるダイナミックな演奏で聴衆を魅了しつづける、日本を代表するピアニストのひとりである。
Born in Tokyo, award-winning pianist Yuko Mifune moved with her family to New York City when she was six years old. In New York, her early studies were with Mitsuko Ichimura, Jerome and Ronit Lowenthal, and at the age of twelve she returned to Japan and continued her studies with virtuoso pianists Akiko Iguchi, Yoko Okumura, and Kazuko Yasukawa.
Ms.Mifune has captured several impressive awards in Japan, including first prize at the prestigious Japan Music Competition. She graduated Toho Gakuen University and was awarded a 2 year scholarship from the Japanese Government to attend The Julliard School in NY where she studied under Martin Canin. She also studied chamber music with the late Samuel Sanders.
In '91, she made her brilliant US debut in Los Angeles, winning praise from the L.A.Times. As first prize winner of Frinna Awerbuch International Piano Competition and Julliard Soloist Audition, she performed at Carnegie Hall and at Lincoln Center and her performance was broadcasted throughout the nation by WQXR.
Thereafter, she returned to Japan and has maintained an active concert schedule as a top soloist. She has been invited internationally and has toured with the Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra and St.Petersburg Orchestra in Moscow, followed by their Japan tour. Other cities include Seoul, New Zealand, Singapore, Turkey, and so on.
Ms.Mifune has also been successful in the media - having her own radio program, and being the host of NHK program "Weekly Book Review" for 6 yrs. She is currently associate professor at Kyoto City University of Arts and holds master classes and children's outreach program as well.
She has started a sensationally unique classic duo “OBSESSION” with drums & percussionist Akira Horikoshi in 2014 and is expanding more fans crossover. Their debut album "OBSESSION" has won critical acclaim and was chosen asone of best CD of the month in Record Geijyutsu(classical audio magazine), aswell as Best CD Shop Award of the year.
Her beautiful sound and dynamic virtuosity have always inspired many audiences, and has also garnered critical acclaim for her broad repertoire which spans from baroque to contemporary music.
Professor, Kyoto City University of Arts
Artist's page / JAPAN ARTS
Artist's Photos / JAPAN ARTS
Official HP : https://www.yukomifune.com